Our Weekend Pass Includes
Saturday Venue
CERA - 3300 Bryant Irvin Rd Fort Worth, TX 76109
We'll be having our mid-day workshop, as well as our evening live band dance at the CERA Recreation Complex! With beautiful big hardwood floors and surrounding space for seating, it'll be a fun space to dance in!

Here is the breakdown of our Saturday workshop & evening dance!
July 29th
9:30 AM
Doors Open
10 AM
Class 1
11 AM
Class 2
12 PM
Lunch Break
1:20 PM
Class 3
2:20 PM
Class 4
7 PM
Doors Open
7:30 PM
Beginner Lesson
8 PM
Live Music Begins
8:45 PM
Open J&J Prelims (Band Break)
9:45 PM
Open J&J Finals (Band Break)
10:40 PM
Invitational Comp. (Band Break)
11:45 PM
Late Night Bite @ Velvet Taco
Saturday Timeline
3:10 PM
Workshop Ends
There will be a 10 min break in between classes.
11:30 PM
Dance Ends
Workshop Classes
This is the class schedule for our workshop event! There will be dance ability expectations for the classes with track 2 where we will be focusing on connection and adding to your repertoire of moves.
Track 1: All Skate
Open to all skill levels
Track 2: Experienced Dancers
This is for those who can readily social dance Lindy Hop and basic side-by-side Charleston without thinking about their footwork. Lindy Hop basics expectations are being able to perform a swing out from open position, swing out from closed position, an inside turn, an outside turn, and the Lindy Circle. Our instructors will challenge even the highest level dancers who attend, as they will give advanced concepts and moves to those who are ready for added challenge. Be honest with yourself; we don’t want to hurt other people’s practice. If you are really struggling the instructors may discreetly ask you to watch that session or go to the track 1 class.
Track 1:
All Skate
Track 2:
Experienced Dancers
Class 1
Brigette & Daniel
The Basics
Ursula & Jeron
Lindy Hop Part I
Class 2
Maggie & Connor
Connecting With Your Partner
Brigette & Jeron
Lindy Hop Part II
Class 3
Ursula & Jeron
Shakin' Things Up
Maggie & Connor
Part II & 1/2
Class 4
Ursula & Daniel
Letting The Music Inspire You
Brigette & Connor
Lindy With Charleston
*See Schedule above for times
**See on site event schedule for more details
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Meet the teachers we've brought together to teach at our morning workshop!